Let’s ban single family homes

To hell with your silly ideas about owning a nice quiet home and property! We need you to live like a sardine in a densely populated hell hole.


Yes, that’s the sentiment from the toilet paper of record, the New York Times. Having a house to yourself and as much land as you can afford should be a thing of the past.

The left just can seem to grasp the idea that people are free to live with (or away from) whomever they choose. And in whatever type of housing they prefer and can purchase. According to their designs every residential area must be high capacity multi-family housing.

Don’t want to hear your neighbors jumping up and down 12 feet above your head at 2am? Too bad. Don’t want to inhale the stench of the neighbors cigarettes every time you walk past their door? So sad.

Now, we could delve into the philosophical reasons why leftists hate single family homes, but if you take the time to read Farhad’s article it really boils down to sour grapes (most liberal positions start here). He couldn’t afford a nice home with a yard so now he doesn’t think anyone should have one.

While it’s unlikely that the left will succeed in banning single family homes any time soon, it’s important to remember that is one of their goals. Taking away people’s independence and cramming them together in communal housing is another means of demoralizing the population and making them more dependent on big government.