It’s not satire when Trump does it

Posting an obviously satirical edit of a well known video is actually sinister media manipulation. Because orange man bad.

Recently, President Trump posted to his twitter account a humorous jab at CNN’s well earned reputation for exacerbating race relations. The well known video features two toddlers, one white and one black, meeting each other with a hug and then running down the sidewalk to play. In President Trump’s post the video had been edited to appear as a if they black toddler is running away from the white one, with a fake CNN overlay reading “Breaking news: Terrified toddler runs from racist baby”

To any human being with a functioning brain this post was obviously a work of satire. A jab designed for a quick chuckle at the expense of a 24 hour broadcast network that is notorious for race baiting. Rational people know that the idea of a “racist baby” is ridiculous and would not be reported by a journalist with any sort of intelligence.

Never missing a chance to prove how far their heads are up their asses, CNN was quick to attack the president for spreading false information. Twitter also flagged the post with a “manipulated media” warning.

Unsurprisingly, you won’t find either CNN or Twitter taking such actions against outlets like The Onion, which has made a business out of posting satirical articles and videos that could easily be condemned under the same standards.

Liberals and democrats love to make jokes and poke fun at their opponents, but when somebody else does it to them they suddenly lose their sense of humor. They can dish it out, but they can’t take it. The double standards of the left are never ending, and so is the Trump derangement syndrome.