Your kids need to learn about porn

From the hopeless shores of the United Kingdom comes yet another example of child abuse dressed up as education.

At a particularly atrocious school in the town of Hull, students as young as 11 were given a homework assignment asking them to define terms such as: Hardcore Porn, Soft Porn, Sexting, Revenge Porn, Transsexual Porn, among others.

It’s not difficult to see why parents everywhere would be upset if their children actually hopped online to search the terms, or why such things are part of the curriculum to begin with.

Most people would agree that it is reasonable and prudent for young people to be educated in anatomy and biological processes that will help them understand the changes they experience. But what we see happening with homework assignments like those in England, and elsewhere, is not an attempt to educate. It is an attempt to groom.

Leftists are adept in the art of incrementalism, especially when it comes to corrupting young people. Some of them truly are monsters who get off on harming the young and innocent, but in general leftist seek to groom children as a means to one of their larger goals: destabilization.

High level leftists know that one of the best ways they can enable more government is to destabilize society. To destabilize society they need to attack its most basic unit, the nuclear family. The war on family is, of course, being fought on many fronts, but one of their favorite ways is through “education” crafted to demoralize the population, making them vulnerable and dependent on the all powerful government.

If you have children, you must be vigilant. You must take care to know what they are learning in school. If you do not, somebody else will be directing your child’s future, and it is unlikely that they want what is best for them.